Know Your Roles


If you haven’t noticed already, you aren’t just a service provider. You’re an entrepreneur with your own business. And for most of us, we’re doing more than just the coaching or whatever service you provide. We’re defining our brand, setting goals, giving talks, and creating email sequences. Some of you may have a VA or other employee helping you out, but even so, you’re still more than just a coach.

It can sometimes get overwhelming with all the moving parts. One thing that helps is defining for yourself what tasks fall under each role and when you can block time to effectively work in that role during the course of your week.

Let’s look at 4 roles--or hats you can wear--in your business. Imagine yourself as you take on each of these roles and the tasks involved and see if you can get a picture at how well you’re performing. You may find, like I have, that you avoid some hats and spend too much time wearing others. Let’s take a look.

The CEO:

determines the mission and direction for the company, sets company values and goals, oversees finances, creates work schedule...and I’ll add participates learning and coaching to further the success of the business

The Coach/Service Provider:

provides the company’s services and determines the value and experience provided to the client, creates curriculum (programs, packages)

The Promoter:

sets company branding used to attract potential clients, sets events and other opportunities to place the company in front of the right people, determines launch dates and other deadlines, shows up for all promotional opportunities as face of company

The Admin:

maintains calendar and all company correspondence, creates all promotional content, sets any automations for Service Provider or Promoter, ensures company runs smoothly

Were there any areas that you are maybe underperforming? If you were to put on your CEO hat for a second and looked objectively at the other roles, would you consider promoting or firing yourself? Maybe a little bit of both.

Start thinking about how much attention each one of these roles need in your business. And if you were to spend a block of time owning each one of these roles, what might that look like within your week. Want a worksheet to help you out? Click here for my free Role-Defining Worksheet.


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