Journaling: 3 Reminders to Get You Started

Featured journals created by Lisa Schnitzer of GoGO’s Journals. For purchase information, email

Featured journals created by Lisa Schnitzer of GoGO’s Journals. For purchase information, email

One of the biggest hurdles we have to productivity is our own minds. Especially in this age of the pandemic, thoughts can get stuck on repeat in our heads. No matter how much we try to focus on what’s in front of us, those thoughts keep coming back around keeping us from doing much of anything with efficiency...unless we let those thoughts out. 

It’s like having a pinball ball stuck bouncing around in the pinball machine. There’s no relaxation or calm until that ball makes it out of the maze. Then, the lights and sounds finally fade, and you can finally breathe again. Have you had one of those moments recently where you were finally able to get a thought out of your head and immediately felt relaxation wash over you?

One way of quieting those thoughts is through journaling. I’ll admit that I’ve never been a big journaler. Writing for others (like this blog post) has always come easily, but for myself? Slightly different story. Over the last few years, I have learned a bit more about myself and what journaling can look like for me. It turns out that just like with everything else in life, we’re all different...and what works for each person is slightly different. So, I put together a few ideas to keep in mind as you consider journaling--maybe for the first time.

1.) There’s no one right way.

There are blank and lined notebooks. There’s dot journals big and small. There’s ones with prompts, inspirational quotes, or amazing visuals. It can be intimidating. But, here’s the thing: there’s no one right way. You don’t have to fill the page. You don’t have to have nice handwriting. You don’t have to write every day...unless you want to. You don’t even have to write--draw, scribble, paint. You can write down a quote or poem that inspires you. Paste in a photo or small token. Whatever you want to do is right.

Think about what inspires you. What do you already enjoy? Are blank pages intimidating or do they feel like possibility? Do you want to be guided with prompts to help with inspiration? Do you want fun pockets and tags? Stickers and fun pens? Nothing is off limits. It’s all about finding a way to express yourself that feels right for you.

2.) Journaling can be fun.

Yes, when you first begin, you’ll probably need a reminder or anchor of some kind to help you remember to use your journal. Like with anything, habits take time. The thing is that, with journaling, it should be fun. It’s not a dreaded task to check off your “self care” list. It’s inspiration, comfort, release, and fun. When you find a way of journaling you enjoy, it becomes something you look forward to.

As you choose your journal, your time block, and journaling place, think about how you can bring in the fun.

3.) This is just for you.

Let’s just go ahead and leave that perfection at the door. Forget those Pinterest journals with the amazing color and calligraphy. This is just for you. No one else needs to see it. No one will be judging it. So, do whatever the heckfire you want. It’s about getting out the thoughts in your head, calming your anxiety, understanding and organizing that record playing in your brain, and creating a stress-cutting activity that you enjoy. Like I mentioned in #1, there are no don’t try to make any for yourself.

It may feel off in the beginning as you figure out what works for you. That’s perfectly fine. Instead of giving up, try getting curious. If blank pages don’t work like you thought, try a dot or lined journal. If a big journal is too much, switch to a smaller one. Write little notes to yourself. Make lists. Draw pictures. Create a collage. Make it your own…it’s just for you.

These handmade art, photo, and Gratitude Journals by GoGo’s Journals are an expression of color, texture and inspiration. If you are just starting to journal and are intimidated by the large, big lined commercial journals, this is your chance to start with something more intimate and personal and begin to record things that are important to you – gratitude, favorite quotes, love notes to loved ones and a safe place to deposit and document pieces of your life.  If you are a seasoned journal fan, you can adapt these journals in any way that resonates with you.  There are even some photo journals for new babies. It’s your place to write – there are no rules, except to enjoy and create a place for what’s important to you! Your next great idea just might come from a journaling moment – inspire yourself! 

For purchase information, email Lisa of GoGo’s Journals here:


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